Did you know that there are foods that can worsen your anxiety and even cause you to become anxious?
Oh yeah! Multiple studies have shown that certain foods can imitate the symptoms of anxiety!
If you’re like me and have had anxiety for a long time, you’re probably at the point where you’re just about ready to do anything to get it under control and keep the symptoms away. If that’s you, you might want to think about making an adjustment to your diet.
According to an article published by Harvard Health Publishing, the primary reason why the foods you eat can affect your anxiety is due to the level of your blood sugar.
Low blood sugar can cause your body to imitate the symptoms of anxiety. And because your blood sugar depends on the foods you eat, it is important to establish a diet that will keep your blood sugar leveled at all times and prevent frequent fluctuation.

Why are processed foods bad for anxiety?
Whether you know it or not, there are a whole lot of hidden sugars in processed foods. Your body processes these hidden sugars differently, which therefore cause a fluctuation in your blood sugar and can even cause you to go into a hypoglycemic state.
Eating foods that keep your blood sugar regulated and prevent you from experiencing hypoglycemic states is very much recommended by Uma Naidoo, MD, a contributor of the article published by Harvard Health Publishing.
What types of food are good for anxiety?
It is a known fact that your body needs sugar for energy. The source of your sugar matters and affects your body and anxiety differently. Your body favors natural sugars, such as the sugar from fruits, over canned foods and candy.
The goal of your diet should be to maintain your blood sugar steadily without it constantly changing.
When you eat a healthy meal, that is rich in Vitamin B, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and magnesium, your blood sugar level is maintained because your body takes longer to process the healthy meal, keeping you fuller longer. If you cook this healthy meal, you can also control the amount of sugar used to make this meal.
On the other hand, eating processed food that has many hidden sugars will affect your body negatively. Processed foods are usually not sustainable to your body, which causes you to become hungry faster, causing your blood sugar to fluctuate.
Here’s a little homework for you, next time you go to the grocery store, pick up a bottle of barbeque sauce or chocolate milk, and read the label, you’ll be surprised at the amount of sugar that is included in those items.
The effects of diet on your physical health and anxiety
Blood sugar maintenance is not the only reason why you should seek to establish a well-balanced diet. I should also mention that one factor of anxiety can be health problems and physical illness.
Although I am sure you’ve already made the connection, if you don’t eat a well-balanced every day, you can be at risk for developing health issues and physical illness. These physical ailments will then cause you to become anxious about the many worries of having health issues.

How to maintain a well-balanced diet
Maintaining a well-balanced diet can be hard to do, especially if you’re busy and always on the go, but before you start making excuses, remember that you are no good to yourself or anyone if you are sick. Being sick will keep you from doing the things you love the most and possibly stop you from achieving your goals, depending on the severity of the sickness.
What foods are bad for anxiety?
The foods that will worsen your anxiety are foods that are high in processed sugar. And I understand that it may not be possible to abstain from all of these foods ALL the time, but as Maya Angelou once put it, “when you know better, you do better.”
You don’t have to cut these foods from your diet completely, but you do have to eat as little to none as possible. Remember that the less you eat foods that contain processed sugars, the healthier you will be physically and mentally. And in the long run, avoiding these foods can make a huge difference in your health.
29 foods that can worsen your anxiety
1) Alcohol
2) Coffee
3) Soda
4) Energy drinks
5) Sports drinks
6) Processed foods
7) Ice cream
8) Frozen dinners
9) Canned fruits
10) Processed sugar
11) Fruit juice
12) Salad dressing
13) Barbecue sauce
14) Canned baked beans
15) Breakfast cereal
16) Cereal bars
17) Granola bars
18) Premade/canned soup
19) Cookies
20) Milkshakes

21) Candy (bars and hard candy)
22) Flavored yogurt (even low-fat)
23) Fast food
24) Tomato/pasta sauce
25) Dried fruits
26) Maple Syrup
27) Jelly
28) Premade pastries
29) Premade mix
13 Ways to Maintain a Well-balanced Diet
No matter how busy you may get, they are ways to maintain a well-balanced diet. But first, you have to decide to make a genuine lifestyle change that will motivate you to find the time to develop a plan that works for you.
If you are making a rash decision because you read a couple of articles about how the foods you eat can worsen your anxiety, that will not foster real change. Real change will come with self-examination and a shift in mindset.
Before you embark on the journey of adjusting your diet that will improve your anxiety and physical health, below are few steps you can take to jumpstart your new lifestyle change.
- Eat more natural fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean meat
- Get your sugar from natural sources likes fruits
- Eat regularly to maintain your blood sugar level
- Eat more home-cooked meals
- Plan your meals ahead of time– Using a meal planner to plan your meals can guide you in the right direction and help keep you from steering away from working towards a well-balanced diet. If you’re curious about what a meal planner looks like, feel free to look at the one on my Etsy shop.
- Keep hydrated at all times
- Avoid or decrease your caffeine intake
- Avoid or drink less soda or sugary drinks
- Decrease how often you eat fast foods
- Reduce your alcohol intake
- Minimize the amount of candy/sweets you eat
- Pack your breakfasts and lunches for work or when you’re going out on an outing
- Stop smoking cigarettes
What are two steps you’re taking to establish a more balanced diet rich in Vitamin B, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and magnesium?
This post has a lot of helpful information! You really did your research and put together an awesome list. Thanks for sharing!
This is such a great post! As someone who suffers from anxiety as well as digestive issues, understanding how the food I’m feeding myself ultimately affects me is huge. Food is fuel.. knowing these details is so important!