The 5 Advantages of Having Children That No-one Talks About
Are you thinking about having children and wondering about the benefits of having children?
Or are you facing challenges raising your children and need some motivation and reminder as to why you should continue to push through the hardships of parenting?
Many of us can agree that children are a blessing. However, raising children is a demanding and, at times, stressful job.
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Although some children are more challenging to raise than others, the challenges of being a parent stem from raising our children alone. Because children were not meant to be raised alone- it takes a village and always has.
When parents lack that village, it results in a lack of patience, understanding, resilience, and managing parenting tasks becomes hard.
So yes, the parenting aspects of having children come with many challenges. Nonetheless, there are many exciting benefits of having children.

What is it like to be a parent?
Being a parent is waking up 4-5 times in the middle of the night to feed your child and change diapers. Going days being sleep deprived yet still having to show up every day despite how tired and frazzled you may feel.
Parenting is constantly worrying about your kids and having doubts about whether you’re doing this whole parenting thing the right way.
Most of the time, children are not the cause of our stress and frustration. It is the burden of parenting that makes having children seem stressful and thus takes away from the experience.
When parenting skills are learned and put into practice, you build resilience that helps you cope with the ongoing responsibilities and challenges of parenthood. Having children then becomes the greatest decision you have ever made.
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5 Exciting Perks of Having Kids

1) Children can bring immense joy and happiness to your life compared to nothing else
Happiness looks different for everyone, and for some people, happiness is a life with children. The parenthood path is not for everyone, and that’s okay. And the sooner you realize this, the better it is for your quality of life. Because if you have children and regret having them, it will be that much more challenging to withstand and overcome the demands of parenthood. All I can say is that the adventure of parenting is far beyond anything else when done properly and with support.
Popular read: Why It Takes A Village To Raise A Child
2) Children give your life significant meaning and purpose
Raising children is not easy and comes with nuisances; however, an easier life is not always better. Life without children is indeed easier, more manageable, less messy, and less worrying, but that does not mean that your life will be better. Your children may not always bring you happiness, but they will certainly give your life more meaning and purpose.
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3) Parenthood teaches you unconditional love
Being a parent allows you to learn and experience unconditional and selfless love in a way you have never before. When you have children, you develop this strong emotional attachment that allows you to love them so much that you’re almost ready to do anything for them. And even when that love is not always reciprocated, and you see no immediate rewards, you are still willing to do anything for them and love them no matter what. Also, raising children demands that you step back from yourself as an individual and prioritize someone else’s needs.
4) You build an extraordinary bond with your child
5) Having children makes you a better person
When you have children, you thrive on being a better version of yourself, if not for you, for them. These tiny humans look up to you, follow your lead, and are like sponges. When you realize how much of an influence you have on your children, it encourages you to make better decisions and be an overall better person.
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Is being a parent worth it?

Despite the endless demands of being a parent, having kids sometimes “hurts just as much as it is worth.”
Having children can change your life in a million positive ways and adds so much value and meaning to your life. Children make your life richer, and for the most part, you’ll be glad you had them.
Final Words on benefits of having kids
Having children and being a parent is one of the most incredible things a person could ever do.
Having children can be a tremendous and life-changing adventure. It is the parenting aspect of having kids that can be challenging. Parenting requires a lot of patience, resilience, specific parental skills, and understanding. When those elements are present and put into practice, you will truly notice the benefits of having children.
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