How To Be A Thriving Stay At Home Mom

If you’re wondering how to be a stay at home mom, know that there are a lot of amazing benefits to being a stay at home mom for both mom and child. Studies show the positive effects of kids growing up with an at-home parent. However, before fully committing to the demanding role of a stay-at-home mom, there’s a lot to take into consideration.

Whether you are currently a stay at home mom or looking to transition into the role, being a stay at home mom requires more planning than one would think, especially if you have young children in the infant and toddler phase when mothering can become particularly challenging and taxing.

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How To Prepare To Be A Stay At Home Mom

Being a stay at home mom is not for the faint of heart. One study shows the difficulty and struggles that stay at home moms face. According to a 2012 Gallup study that surveyed more than 60,000 women including working moms, stay at home moms who were or were not looking for work, and women with no children, stay at home moms report experiencing more negative feelings. Stay at home moms are more likely to report feelings of sadness, anger, and depression. 

If you are going to be successful and thrive as a stay at home mom, there are a few things you need to do to get ready for this new endeavor. 

Before taking on the role of a full-time stay at home mom, it is equally important to figure out how you are going to take care of yourself. 

As the primary caregiver for your child, the state of your well-being affects how successful you are in being at mothering your kids. Having a plan in place of how you are going to take care of yourself on a weekly and monthly basis will protect your mental health from taking the hit that the Gallup survey talks about.

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how to be a stay at home mom

Tips on how to be a stay at home mom

Being a stay at home mom requires a change in mindset and lifestyle, especially if you’re used to working outside of the home. Developing a routine that creates the right balance for you as the primary caregiver for your child is the best way to ensure you are not sacrificing your basic self-care needs.

Here’s how to create the right balance as a stay at home mom: 

Prioritize your mental health: Be aware that stay at home moms report more sadness, anger, and depression compared to their working mom counterparts. Be proactive about doing things to support your emotional health. You will inevitably experience a lot of different emotions in your day-to-day activities as a mom at home, things like talking about your feelings, journaling, and reaching out for emotional support are all ways to support your emotional health. 

Minimize your stress: With the list of ongoing tasks you have to complete regularly as a stay at home mom stress is imminent. How you cope with stress is what’s important. Finding healthy ways to cope with stress will put you in a better state of mind.

Exercise regularly: There are so many amazing benefits to exercising. Not only does exercising help to make you feel better but it also releases chemicals like endorphins that help to boost your mood.

Get enough sleep: It’s not far-fetched to be in a chronic state of sleep deprivation when you have children, especially when you’re a stay at home mom who tries to get some time to themselves when the kids and everyone in the house are asleep. Lack of sleep can cause you to be less able to cope with the day-to-day stress of motherhood and increase your risk of depression. Prioritize getting enough sleep over everything else.

Get out of the house: Never underestimate the power of what getting out of the house and getting some fresh air can do for your psyche. The fresh air is good for you and sunlight is a mood booster. Make a point to get out of the house every day, even if it’s just for 15-30 minutes.

Take a break: As a stay at home mom you work alone. There’s no one around encouraging you to take a 15-minute break at 10:15 am or lunchtime at noon. You have to be intentional about taking those breaks for yourself to catch your breath.

Engage in hobbies: It can be hard to find time to engage in things you once loved and enjoyed, particularly if you have younger children. But engaging in your hobbies gives you something to look forward to and can be used as an outlet to release and reduce stress.

Maintain your social life: Social isolation can unintentionally become a real struggle for stay at home moms. It’s okay to take a break from the kids to hang out with your friends, you’ll be better for it.

Practice self-care: As a mom, you take care of everyone in your household. Taking some time to care for your needs does not make you selfish. 

Get your spouse involved: You need as much support as you can get, so get your spouse involved. Even if they work outside of the home, you still need them to step in and get involved in maintaining the household because the lack of support from your spouse will eventually get to you and cause resentment in your relationship. 

Final Thoughts On How to be a stay at home mom

As wonderful as it is, being a stay at home mom is challenging. But taking care of yourself will give you the stamina you need to overcome the hardships of staying at home with the kids and taking care of your household.

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How To Be A Stay At Home Mom