Caring for a toddler is a busy undertaking that requires not only patience but daily planning. This is when a toddler schedule can come in handy. Using a toddler schedule can make every day feel productive and lessen the stress of figuring out how you’re going to keep your toddler engaged and occupied each hour of every day.

Not having a framework of what your toddler’s day-to-day will look like can create a sense of unpredictability for your toddler. And make the days seem longer, more hectic, and frankly exhausting for you as the primary caregiver.

Also Read: 7 Benefits of Using a Responsibility Chart for Kids (with age-appropriate chores)

Toddler schedule

Why Having a Toddler Schedule is Important

Creating and using a toddler schedule is necessary because it provides structure and routine for your toddler and takes the chaos out of the day. Having a daily plan also helps to break down the day so you have a more organized idea of how the day will go. But most importantly, toddlers thrive off of structure and routine.

Structure and routine leads to predictability which is fundamental to helping your toddler develop a sense of safety and confidence.

When you are consistent with the habits your toddler engages in every day, they become familiar with their daily routine and can expect what comes next. Here are a few other ways having a schedule can help your toddler succeed in their day-to-day development: 

  • When your toddler performs the same task repeatedly, they become good at it, building self-confidence.
  • As your toddler gets older, the self-confidence she gains from being good at her everyday routine encourages her to become more independent. 
  • Your toddler will grow to be able to follow routines and stay on task.
  • Will feel comfortable and in control of their environment.
  • Be able to develop meaningful relationships with the people they interact with and thus feel like they belong.
  • When your toddler can predict what’s coming next on the schedule, it makes transitioning to a different activity much easier which minimizes tamper tantrums.
  • When your toddler knows what to focus on at the moment and what to look forward to next, it creates excitement and helps them to engage even more in what they are learning.

How to Start Your Toddler on a Daily Toddler Schedule 

The best way to start your toddler on a schedule is to just start. It might take some time for your toddler to get used to the schedule, but the idea is to stick to the schedule no matter what until your toddler gets used to the flow of this schedule. Be consistent, and make sure you don’t skip on this schedule.

 Of course, it’s okay to alter your toddler’s schedule as needed, life happens and there might be a time when you aren’t able to follow through with the schedule, but that’s why having a daily toddler schedule is even more essential for your child’s development because when life and unpredictability do happen (and it will), your toddler who is used to a schedule is more likely to adjust to the changes. 

How to Create a Toddler Schedule

Creating a toddler schedule is straightforward. Simply make a list of the activities that you and your child engage in daily and weekly. Use the list to plan your toddler’s day-to-day activities.  

Tips for your toddler schedule

  • Don’t change your toddler’s routine until you have to, that’s when they have outgrown certain activities or if something unpredictable happens that interfere with your toddler’s schedule. Be consistent and keep the same schedule until you have to adjust.
  • Explain to your toddler in advance of any changes that are being made to their schedule. When I am taking my daughter to school, there are multiple routes I can take to get there. But I always let my son who takes the ride with us know in advance which route we’re taking that day, because not only does he has a preferred route, but he also starts to question whether we are going to take his sister to school or going to the store (which he loves!). 
  • If you are making many changes to your toddler’s schedule, don’t do it all at once. You might throw your toddler for a loop if you make too many changes at once. Let your toddler get used to one adjustment first and see how that goes before adjusting something else.
  • If you can, go over the daily schedule at the beginning of each day, so your toddler knows what to expect throughout the day. 
  • Use a graphic to create a visual reminder for your child.
  • Include hand washing and reading in your toddler’s daily routine. 
  • Add a chore or responsibility chart to your toddler’s daily routine. 

Use My Toddler’s Schedule Chart Template

If you don’t have the time to create a toddler schedule, feel free to use the one that I use with my son who’s 3 years old. You can either use my toddler’s premade schedule or use the template to create your very own daily schedule for your toddler.

Toddler Schedule Chart

Final Words on Using a Toddler Schedule

Just as having a daily routine provides comfort for adults, it does the same for children. If you’re starting to use a toddler schedule for the first time, remember as with everything else, consistency is key and produces good results. 

Continue to adjust your toddle’s schedule as your child grows, update their daily schedule to reflect them developmentally. Always keep in mind that it is absolutely okay to move things around a little bit, just give your toddler a heads-up before that change occurs.

Visit my Etsy shop to purchase the toddler scheduled pre-made or the template. Thank you in advance for your support.Â